LCS 3v3 Holiday Blowout

Due to the COVID 19 restrictions and in an abundance of safety, we have made the decision to cancel the Holiday 3v3 for 2020. We hope to bring back a bigger and better event next year.
All games will be played indoors at Lake Country Soccer's Indoor Soccer Complex and at The Old Soccer Dome. Lake Country Soccer's Indoor Complex is located at 2503 E. Pythian Drive in Springfield, MO. 65802 and The Old Soccer Dome is located at 916 N Cedarbrook Ave in Springfield, MO. 65802. Both locations are within a half mile of one another.
The 2020 3v3 Holiday Blowout tournament will accept both boys and girls’ teams from U8 thru Adult
Team Entry Fee is $150 for ages U8 – Adult
- Each player will receive a tournament t-shirt if they (and their team) have registered and paid by December 7, 2020.
- 4 game guarantee
- Play 3v3 (no goalie)
- Age groups will be based off the January 1st birthdate guidelines for 2020/21 LCS Outdoor League
- Maximum of 6 players on the roster
- Male and Female divisions (no coed divisions)
- Different divisions in those age groups where a sufficient number of teams have applied and expressed a desire to compete at a particular level.
Click (HERE) to view the Team Check-In Document
Click (HERE) to view the Tournament Rules
Click (HERE) to print Medical Liability Waiver (Youth)
Team Requests
Lake Country will do its best to honor team requests; however, it is not always possible to accommodate all requests. Teams must enter any special request or coaching conflicts in the "comments" section of their team registration. Any requests that are received after December 4, 2020 will not be considered during the scheduling process.
This is NOT a Stay to Play Tournament
Teams are free to reserve hotels any hotels they wish. Contact the hotel directly to inquire about room availability and a complete list of the hotel's amenities.
Tournament Contacts
Tournament Director: John Markey,
Tournament Manager: Katie Ellsworth,