2025 Ozarks Coca-Cola Dr. Pepper Cup

DATE: April 4-6, 2025 (most games Sat/Sun) We have 8 Brand New Turf Fields!
Hotel Information:
(Click on the "HOTELS" tab at the top of the home page)
The 2025 Ozarks Coca~Cola/Dr Pepper Cup accepts both boys' and girls' teams. This is a competitive tournament for rec plus and competitive teams. All teams must have a 2024-2025 team roster and cards for this event.
- Boys teams ages Under 9 - U19
- Girls teams ages Under 9 - U15
- MYSA sanctioned tournament (Click here for Sanctioning Form)
- 3 game guarantee
- Electronic team check-in
- Different brackets in those age group where a sufficient number of teams have applied and expressed a desire to compete at a particular level
- Tournament Rules
U9 Boys & Girls | 12 | 7v7 | $725 |
U10 Boys & Girls | 12 | 7v7 | $725 |
U11 Boys & Girls | 16 | 9v9 | $775 |
U12 Boys & Girls | 16 | 9v9 | $775 |
U13 - 15 Boys & Girls | 22 | 11v11 | $825 |
U16 - U19 Boys | 22 | 11v11 | $825 |
Early Bird Registration Discount: Use Code: earlybird2025
There will be a $50 team registration discount from the above pricing for teams that Register and Pay by March 1, 2025. If paying by check please ensure that the envelope is postmarked no later than 3/5/2025. Make checks payable to: Lake Country Soccer.
Lake Country will do its best to honor team requests; however, it is not always possible to accommodate all requests when bracketing and/or scheduling. Please use the Scheduling Request Form link to make requests regarding coaching or bracketing conflicts. First priority will be given to coaching conflicts when scheduling. Any requests that are received after March 9 may not be considered in the bracketing/scheduling process and will be placed on a wait list.
Deadline to Register is March 9, 2025